School and Us

 You know what I find weird? How school has changed. I was a lackey kid growing up. I came home after the bus dropped us off. We got the mail, went inside locked the door behind us. We didn't have an after school program. We looked after ourselves. I started around 7 or 8 my sister is a year older than me. So you do the math. 

We came home did what little homework we had got out of our school clothes changed into play clothes. We made a snack then before we knew mom and dad were home. We would do chores too as well. Honestly it was a simpler time. It was a time I wished I could go back too. 

After my son has been in school now since Kindergarten. It's been go go go. It's just weird. I know he is growing up. He started an after school program this year because I work from home. I didn't want him to be stuck in his room and its good for his social skills. He is a smart boy. I think its nice. 

I just find it strange how once we came home vs now how kids come home. They either in an after school program or with after school care. Where as I fended for myself.


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